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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Long time no blog...

Back from another expected lack of posting. But I have lots of excuses.

Amid raining layoff notices and general mass exodus from Kennedy Space Center (an estimated additional 8000 by February, in addition to the few thousand that have already left), we are ESCAPING. Brevard county will most definitely be an economic black hole when all is said and done, unless politics stop politicking to actually be productive. Pshhh.

Crazy stuff though, I can't believe I am leaving KSC. I've only been here a few years, but still strange to know I can't come back here to see it, nor will there be anything to come back and see for some time. I will miss it, for sure. And even though this isn't the most high-end, newly developed area with tons of modern conveniences and comfort, I really appreciate the local government for trying to save this area from it. Working on a wildlife refuge has been pretty awesome, and there is no lack of natural beauty around here.

I am so lucky and privileged to have been able to see what I have seen and done what I have been able to do here. Not everyone can say they have been invited to work for one of the world's most peaceful and greatest technological accomplishments ever. And I don't think the average person gets to step foot inside their nation's spaceships and facilities to get an up-close realization of the impacts that come out from them. And not many get to see first-hand what is happening (or even what exists) a few hundred miles above our heads, it truly is amazing.

I'm sure I'll be somewhat of a mess on Friday as I'm leaving. But it is what it is. And honestly, I think I'm more mourning this country's apathy and ignorance to it all, rather than me physically leaving this area. It makes my stomach turn when people make comments like "Yay, the NASA Welfare System is finally being brought to an end". Really? I feel like telling those people to go back to their underground cave they live in, hope their own jobs aren't affected by it here, and not to stray outside of their tunnel vision while the rest of us move on with our human dreams accomplishments.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

A me survey. How obnoxious.

Three Names I go by:
1. Julie
2. Julie
3. Julie (occasionally Jules)

Three Jobs I have had in my life:
1. space systems engineer
2. 8th grade earth/space teacher
3. senior lab technician

Three Places I have lived:
1. Port St. Lucie
2. Gainesville
3. Orlando

Three TV Shows that I watch:
1. some stuff on travel channel
2. some stuff history/discovery/animal planet
3. some stuff on TLC. not a big TV watcher.

Three things I am good at:
1. thinking too much about something
2. math?
3. running, that is, when i actually run nowadays

Three places I have gone on vacation:
1. Most of the Eastern Caribbean
2. Ontario/Quebec Canada
3. almost all the mid Atlantic/southeast/northeast/midwest US

Three places I WANT to go on vacation to:
1. French Polynesia/Pacific Islands
2. Greek Isles and Turkey
3. Scandinavia (this list goes on for days)

Three cars I have leased/owned:
1. 91 pontiac sunbird
2. 95 ford contour
3. 04 saturn L300

Three people that text me regularly:
1. Jake
2. Laura
3. various coworkers

Three of my favorite foods:
1. good
2. quality
3. food

Three of my favorite movies:
1. the leo dicaprio romeo and juliet (yes, i still love that movie haha)
2. everything is illuminated
3. a life aquatic

Three things I am looking forward to (short-term):
1. Fourth of July this weekend/seeing my sis and bro-in-law in St. Augustine
2. the rest of summer
3. eventually moving out of state

Three Things I am looking forward to (long-term):
1. traveling
2. greater income and quality of life
3. new job

Three things in my purse/wallet/bag right now:
1. wallet
2. hairbrush
3. glasses case

Three websites I frequent daily:
1. facebook
2. blogger
3. random news sites

Three places I love to shop:
1. sephora
2. online
3. shopping malls in general..no real fav stores

Three of my favorite drinks:
1. water
2. milk (white and chocolate)
3. coffee

Three things I just can't stand:
1. bad traffic/drivers
2. bad food
3. people who have nothing else going on in except being super pretentious about themselves and their surroundings

Three things I am wearing right now:
1. pajama top
2. pajama shorts
3. panties

Three things I love about myself:
1. i don't settle
2. i'd rather do things and have experiences than have tangible things
3. my resilience to lots of things

Three things I have struggled with in the last year:
1. time (juggling job/school/motherhood/marriage at the same time)
2. money
3. patience

Three ways I like to spend my free time:
1. relaxing or cooking
2. exercising
3. going out and doing things

Three things I have always wanted to do (and have NOT done just yet):
1. travel to western Canada/Alaska
2. travel to anywhere in Europe
3. travel to Japan

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Vegetarianism? Sort of a mysterious area to me

So just my thoughts out loud on this topic. And some general questions on the issue, on some things that I don’t understand. If there is anyone who actually reads this blog, and who wants to share their views and opinions, please do. I guess my questions are philosophical, not technical. I know every person has their own reasons for doing it.

I know there are several types of vegetarianism, some being more “strict” (if that’s even the right word) than others on what animal products are consumed. I’m not favorable to any certain type.

A common reason I hear from vegetarians around me to eat the way they do is for animal rights. Another one is because they don’t want hormones, etc. in the foods they eat. Another is for diet/nutrition/health reasons.

While I completely agree with not wanting to consume “god knows what” in your chicken and beef from whatever farming practices this country has become accustomed to, there are some ways around this one. Why not buy local organic? I guess the price issue comes up here, and many people don’t care about meat enough to pay the price of organic meats so they just don’t eat it. Justifiable. I also agree that most farming practices have negative impacts on the environmental as well, and really wish as a country we could change our ways in that respect.

The animal rights thing, yes, I agree we should farm differently in this country and provide animals a more humane life/environment, etc. If America adopted more humane ways of farming, like most of the rest of the world, would you still not eat meat? Is it simply executing the animal for your food what bothers you? If that’s the case, do you not agree with how much of the world acquires its food sources? I know that we live in a privileged environment in which we do not have to go find our own food in the wild. So maybe this is the reason many people don’t agree with it—why kill something if it isn’t necessary, and we can eat other things just as easily.

The diet/nutrition/health reason one probably irks the most questions out of me though. For some reason there is a stigma on meat as being “unhealthy”, solely from a nutritional standpoint. Hormones and whatever additives aside, there are cuts of meat that are very healthy. Some of the best sources of lean protein and iron are from certain types of meat. I know meat is not a required food group, but proteins, iron, and minerals are. So what do you eat in place of it to fill in your nutritional needs? I know there’s beans of all types, whole grains that contain protein, nuts, flax, etc.

And I guess this is an extension of the above—WHYYYY do so many vegetarians eat the pre-packaged, frozen foods from grocery store freezers? The most baffling thing to me is that most of these foods MIMIC meat. The fake chicken, sausage, etc. Tofurkey? Really? If you are vegetarian, why do you want your food to mimic the thing you feel strongly enough about to avoid otherwise? I know lots of recipes call for meat and its nice to have a substitute. Why not substitute with, for example, eggplant? Or brussel sprouts? Or lentils? Or anything else non-meat like or related? If you are eating a certain way for health reasons, there must be a better alternative than these frozen, instant foods. And not to mention the packaging for this stuff is pretty wasteful. I know they are probably convenient, but if you are eating this way for any of the above reasons, wouldn’t you feel compelled to acquire foods in their natural, singular state?

Veganism—I’m curious as to what vegans eat to fill their nutritional needs. We live in a modern world and have access to dietary supplements, but something there just doesn’t sit right with me. You shouldn’t have to rely on human-gathered/concentrated pills to achieve a healthy eating lifestyle. So without supplementing your diet with these things, what do you eat instead? I’m interested not only to know what foods contain the same vitamins, minerals, carbs, fats, and proteins as animal food products, but to maybe look for something different at the grocery store cause we tend to get the same general food types every week or so.

Vegetarians that don’t eat meat, but eat fish. What is your individual reasoning? You are still killing an animal to eat it. To me, the greatest issue to not eat fish is the contaminants and/or mercury levels that can be toxic in large quantities, and probably more importantly, overfishing and damage to the environment of catching certain species. But I eat fish, and I know which types to avoid and which types to eat in moderation. I know which species to avoid that are farm-raised. Fish, naturally, are food. I really think God put them on this earth to be eaten. They are a great source of nutrition. Yep.

Vegetarians who do not eat meat but eat animal products such as eggs and dairy. What is the reasoning here? You really can’t be avoiding meat for ethical reasons and eat these things too. They are a product of the same humane/inhumane farming practices that produce the meat (unless you are buying specifically free range, organic sources, etc). They come from the same farms that may or may not be harmful to the environment. Eggs and dairy are high in nutrients. So nutritionally speaking, they are a good choice, so that is reason enough to eat them. But why are you not eating meat as well then?

And lastly, do people who eat in a vegetarian style raise their children to eat this way? Or do they let their children decide the way that they want to eat after they are informed about everything from the ethical, environmental, and nutritional standpoints? I know there’s no set answer to that, just would like some personal opinions maybe.

Not trying to stir anything up here, just legitimate thinkings I have done since there seems to be a growing number of people around me that have taken up this eating lifestyle.

um...say again?

While mindlessly browsing the internet a few days ago, I came across this gem of an article:


Read it. It's short. And please don't read the comments to it, you may rot your brain.

First, before I say anything about this article, I will say that I am in no way, shape, or form intolerant of other races or anything along those lines. I think that the 20th century movies depicting colored lead-woman roles with white women painted to be dark-skinned is a past absurdity that shouldn't be repeated. And I really hope that we as a nation have moved past the entire aura surrounding the "need" to do such a ridiculous thing.

Back to the article. There are two things to address here. First of all, the author of the article is an idiot. Second, the general public "outraged" by the selection of Jolie as Cleopatra are idiots.

We are now reaping the benefits of a society playing spades during middle and high school basic history.

This is an article hosted by CNN.

It seems the author and the general public, and most of the "intelligent" persons who commented on the article opened their mouths before they even did a lick of research (a common thing nowadays). What boggles my mind is why would a reporter/journalist publish something that they apparently know nothing about? Oh right, this is American media.

So the knee jerk reaction is to jump on the PC bandwagon and accuse everyone of being racist. Please people, don't always rush to conclusions and assume that this is the case. When will we move past this?

Just to clarify here...Cleopatra was a Ptolemy, of European decent. More specifically, Macedonian. She was not African. She didn't even speak Egyptian. Her culture was more centered on Greek ideology than the centuries of solely Egyptian before her dynasty. Greece and Egypt were side by side, intertwined culturally all through this time. Therefore it does not require a huge amount of thinking to come to the conclusion that Cleopatra was not black. Or African. Or even truly Egyption for that matter.

And therefore, Angelina Jolie is not an ethnically absurd choice for the role of this pharaoh. Actually, I think she fits the role quite well. If I knew nothing about her and had to guess her heritage, I would honestly probably say Greek, based on looks alone. She seems as though she can pull off a Mediterranean "look" quite well for the movie. I dunno though, I might be racist for saying such a thing.

Monday, June 28, 2010

"It takes a village to raise a child"

This should be engraved in a golden placard and placed upon our wall. I don't know what I would do without the help from our families over the past year or so. I really wish Americans lived more socially. We are too independent. Life would be infinitely easier if you had an immediate network of people to help you out with just day to day stuff. Regular stuff.

Simple things like cleaning the bathroom and blow drying your hair in the morning. Cooking dinner and doing anything not related to getting stuff ready for the following day before 9pm. Stuff that's normally routine are all epic feats as of late.

But I absolutely adore my daughter. She is the cutest, most amazing little human being. It's amazing how much love you can have for someone else. The quote "Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body" is an understatement. There is nothing in the world that can ever compare to having her. And yes there will be an infinitely large numbers of posts and more pictures of her. I just need to hire a photographer and journalist to get that done =/

It's kind of weird though, I feel like we've distanced ourselves from a lot of people lately, other than people we see on a daily basis. And this is totally not on purpose. It just happened. My life has changed so much over the last year and a half or so, I barely have anything in common with who I was before that. And that is another topic of discussion, entirely.

The thing is, people tell you, "oh, your life is going to change so much when you have kids", and you think you know that and understand that statement beforehand. But really, you don't know until it happens to you. It never ceases to amaze me that everyone on earth that has raised a child has gone through the "craziness" that we have. It's like you join a new "club", and can only relate to others that have gone through it too. What I mean by this is, people don't understand why you seemingly "disappeared", or became hard to contact, or don't go out and party, etc.

It's a full time job on top of having a full time job.

"where is everybody"

Julie's top ten mysteries of right now:

10. How it takes only a few weeks to completely undo months worth of shaping up.

9. That people can make gigantic leaps in science, medicine, and discoveries, but that doesn't make the news headlines. A celebrity who tweeted what they ate last night does.

8. Why people spend so much money on huge screen TV's, Insanely HD and Way More Channels than You'll Ever Watch cable, Iphones and their monthly bills, IPads, I-this, and I-that, etc.

7. That a shot girl/bartender can make more money in one night than a new teacher can make in a month.

6. Our society's obsession with emaciated-looking women with bad cheek and facial plastic surgery. Such as: Megan Fox. Yes, she went to my highschool. And looked nothing like she does now.

5. Why so many people are afraid to move out of their comfort zone bubble. Branch out. Life is too short.

4. How anyone "makes it" making less than we do. Don't get me wrong...we are fortunate. But we are as average as average can get. What the heck do you have to do in life to not count every penny and struggle to stay afloat?

3. My next place of residence/next phase in life.

2. That anyone with more than one child gets anything done at all.

1. That women have not evolved to have three arms. Seriously. How else would you do anything for the first year or two with a baby if you don't have a "carrier" or a "sling"???

I knew this would happen...

...that "see you tomorrow" would turn into "see you next week, or maybe the week after that". Eh, whatever.

So after (yet another) survival of a plague that went through our house over the weekend, which victimized Aubrey and I, and Jake now, to a lesser extent...I am back to work this week, as always, and working on working somewhere else. Seriously.

My down time as of late is work. With programs ending, funding falling into black holes, and the word cancelled equating with cancer, leaves me with not much going on. Except job interviews, which have been steadily coming in.

Today's prediction of where the newest McDonald family will live next: NoVa. Last week it was Marietta, GA. Next week it will be __________.

And I shall end this abruptly with a random thought:

There is no amount of paper towels capable of handling a toddler's mess.